Amirmohammad Saberi • Programmer & Robotics Engineer


 The Enchanting Journey of Amirmohammad Saberi

Born in Karaj, Iran, Amirmohammad Saberi was raised in a family that nurtured his love for technology. From a young age, computers and video games ignited his passion, leading him to join Iran’s most prominent hacking group, the Ashiyane Security Group, in the first decade of his life.

As time passed, Amirmohammad’s interests shifted to artificial intelligence and robotics, inspired by the captivating stories in films, TV series, and books. With unwavering determination, he completed his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering in just six semesters, showcasing his extraordinary talent.

Amirmohammad’s love for computers and programming became his passion and source of income, guiding him to pursue a master’s degree in robotics in Italy. Day by day, he invests in his personal and intellectual growth, striving to present the best version of himself to the world.

His enchanting journey serves as an inspiration, showcasing the incredible heights one can reach when passion and dedication intertwine, making Amirmohammad Saberi a beacon of light in the world of technology.



My abilities

01. Robotics.

A passion that fuels my soul, as I navigate the world of intelligent machines, constantly learning and growing with each passing day. (Ms. C Robotics Engineering)

02. Machine learning.

An ever-present companion on my journey, guiding me through the intricacies of algorithms and data, as I uncover the secrets of intelligent systems.

03. Deep learning.

A profound love that deepens with every neural network I explore, as I dive into the depths of artificial intelligence, forever learning and evolving.

01. NLP.

A fascinating realm where language and technology intertwine, as I embark on a continuous learning journey to unravel the mysteries of human-machine communication.

02. Python, C++.

The languages of my heart, forever intertwined with my being, as I code my way through life, learning and growing with each line I write.


A world of endless possibilities, where creativity and strategy converge, as I immerse myself in the art of promotion, constantly learning and adapting to the ever-changing landscape.


For inquiries or collaborations, please reach out me at or connect me through this form.